
Dinosaur Performers at the Los Angeles Convention Center

This was a fun one. An Allosaurus, a T-Rex, and a baby raptor let loose on Los Angeles. What could go wrong?


We were lucky enough to be invited to the AHIMA '17 convention at the Los Angeles Convention center and it was one of the best events we've ever had the privilege of participating in. The decorations were awesome! There was a Jurassic Park movie set for our dinosaur performers to run around in while guests showed up to take pictures. There were also a few other movie sets including Star Wars, Pirates of the Caribbean, Grease, and the Wizard of Oz. 

The event attendees were all adults, but we are always surprised by the amount of attention the dinosaurs get.  The adults might get a bigger kick out of the dinosaurs than the kids do! We had a good time dancing, posing for pictures, and scaring the occasional party-goer. 

Thanks to the Russel Harris Event Group for having us out. They're always great to work with. 

Until next time!